Jawbone, FitBit or Smartwatch? There are many choices but our friends at CoolToys.TV narrowed it down to three. Ok four. This is a real question, and while we wouldn’t consider any wearable a Cool Toy on the surface, you gotta be in good shape to run with the big dogs with big toys. Jawbone was the first with the Up fitness wearable, at least that is the way I remember it. But apparently FitBit was first with the patents.
With the Original Jawbone Up selling for as
little as $25 on Amazon, it appears that something is up at Jawbone. On their website Jawbone is no longer showing the original version. There is rumor that after losing a patent case to the makers of FitBit, that the Jawbone tracker may be on the way out.
We know for sure one major feature is absent from the newer Jawbone Up bands.
That aside, this episode covers the high points of a smart watch, Jawbone UP, UP3, and the FitBit Alta. More importantly, Scott will answer the question, “Are any of them good enough to be a Cool Toy?”
Sunday Jan 22nd at 7pm PST The episode will be at CoolToys.TV or on the Beach Street News YouTube Channel
Editors Note: Now that the Jawbone Up is gone, Apple Watch and Samsung Gear kick all of the other wearables to the curb.
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