Gondolas are something you expect to find at Ski resorts, and now Gondolas at Disney World? Driving into the Hollywood Studios Theme park parking lot, you can’t miss the new cable towers for the Gondolas. So far six of these big beasts are planted in the parking lot. The staff confirmed they are for a Gondola run to connect the nearby hotels to the park and eventually on to EPCOT.

As long as I can remember, I have been riding the Monorail around Disneyland and Walt Disney World. In the early days of Walt Disney World, the long gone pine trees kept the fantasy of being in a different world alive. Today as you whisk over the masses driving into the parks, you are sure of where you are.
Many years ago Disneyland had a gondola ride that ran across Fantasyland that stopped shortly after a reportedly intoxicated pair of newlyweds coerced the gondola off the cable. My memory of that ride was much like seeing the mirror swapped out on Romper Room. Knowing the secrets of magic spoils it until you realize what you can do with it. Seeing over the magic curtain on the gondola at Disneyland took away some of the magic, but it was made up for by the view from the little open air gondola cab.
For anyone who visits Disney World the growth is massive and can’t be hidden by Disney Magic. Disney has a lot of people to move.
Since my first ride, on the Disney Transportation service busses I have been looking for more enjoyable ways to get around. The monorail and resort boats are both on the list. My favorite themed hotel is the Wilderness Lodge, but the bus service quickly moved me back to the Polynesian and Grand Floridian. We have been renting cars since too. Redundant waste I know, but there is a price for convenience.
The big question I have for Disney imagineers is “Why?” Well known as the dark masters of people management, it makes sense when you think about it. The new gondolas at Disney World are a great way to keep people trapped, er… I mean engaged for a fixed period of time while relieving congestion on the busses and roads, or at least slowing the growth of the congestion.
Will the aerial views take away more of the magic or improve the journey through it?

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